Health Services


Health services are provided on-campus by a full-time doctor. The doctor provides immediate attention to students and personnel who are ill or have suffered accidents while at school. The medical office also oversees the maintenance of the database of students’ health.


Our school doctor provide care for our students and faculty. The following policies must be taken into considerations by all parents:

Parents are notified by the medical office electronically or by telephone when their child has become ill or has been seriously injured. 

The school physician may administer prescribed medication to students only with parents’ written permission and a medical form signed by the prescribing physician. 

Parents will bring the medicine to school in its original container with the student’s name written outside.

Non-prescription medication must have a note from the parent, written to the school, and administration instructions.

No medicine will be received in an envelope, foil, or mislabeled container. 

As part of the enrollment and annual re-enrollment process, parents are requested to provide the school with updated specific information with signed release forms each school year, permitting staff to attend minor cuts or injuries.